Thursday, July 22, 2010

Frozen Banana Soft-Serve-- TWO INGREDIENTS!

If you've never tried this before and you have a powerful food processor or blender, I insist you give this recipe a go-round.

Frozen Banana Soft-Serve


Peel and slice bananas.  Freeze for 4 hours or overnight. 

Place in food processor with about 1/4 cup of water and blend until smooth.  You can probably use milk or cream, too, but we are trying to keep our calorie/sugar count down.

Eat!  And repeat.  We topped ours with toffee bits.  But chocolate chips would have made a nice topping, too.  In fact, I can think of a hundred different ways this would have been fantastic:  shredded coconut, peanut butter, strawberries, hot fudge, butterscotch chips, granola.  Endless possibilities!

We like that there is no added sugar.  Well, before we added the chips, anyway.  lol.   It's totally sweet, all on its own.


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