Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Year, New Post, New Me

Since this is the first post of the new year (bad me), I am taking this blog in a new direction.   Sure, I will still post recipes of things I eat from time to time, but I also want to focus on my weight loss journey.

In September of 2005, I got married.  I weighed about 142.   I wasn't thin, still had boobs, but I was pretty much where I was comfy in my skin.

Fast forward to December, 2005.  Just three months later, I was pregnant, and by the time I gave birth in August of 2006, I was almost 190 lbs.  Yikes.

For the next three years, I hovered at about 160.  This was unacceptable to me, but because I knew I would be getting pregnant again eventually, I never tried very hard to get the weight off.  Lo and behold, in 2009, I became pregnant again, and was almost at the 200 lb mark when I gave birth in October.

Double yikes.

So, I enlisted a group of online girlfriends to begin a Biggest Loser competition.  I have lost 24 lbs so far, and have another 30 I'd love to burn off.  It's a daily struggle, which I will now share with you.  Following is my current weight. 

And following THIS, is my goal.  Once I put it out there, I can't take it back.  I can only work hard to make it happen. 

Here it is:  My goal is to lose 30 lbs in 23 weeks.   That's about 1.3 lbs a week, which would put me at a slim 128.6.  My lowest weight since I started college.

Can she do it?  Stick around and we'll see........

1 comment:

  1. WTG Trisha! Putting yourself out there isn't easy to do but it was the best thing I ever did! It forces you to really be accountable!! You can do this! You've got lots of cheerleaders behind you! :)


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