Friday, July 9, 2010

Mock Sesame Beef

We lost our power, due to a heatwave outage, so I've got a few meals to catch up on.

I don't know when I had what, and it doesn't matter anyway.  So I'll just give you a rundown.  First, the SEITAN.

I had my first seitan at a chinese restaurant recently, and became hooked.  Mock Sesame Beef, it was called.  But I inquired, and found out it was made with Seitan.  So what did I do?  Hightailed it to the nearest health food shop and picked me up a box of Seitan quick mix.

Quick?  Not so much.  First you make a dough, then knead it.  Then you cut it into bite-sized pieces.

Then you boil them.  Then you fry them.  AHHHHH!  You know how I hate to use so many pans!!!

Then I added a half-bottle of my favorite Kikkoman's Kung Pao sauce, and steamed some broccoli.  I had some leftover barley, so I tossed it all on top, instead of making brown rice.  That would have put me over the edge.  Top it off with some sesame seeds, and there you have it.  Meatless goodness.

My lunch yesterday was falafel.  More like faBLAHfel.  Yuk.  Totally flavorless and bland.    I made it from a recipe right off the Bob's Red Mill website, using their chickpea flour.  I had a bag in my pantry forever, so I thought I'd get rid of it.  I made so much falafel, and still have a half bag leftover.  Maybe I'll make some hummus....

My lunch today was to die for.  Black bean burgers!  Although, I hesitate to call it a burger.  The consistency just isn't the same.  But I don't eat them in a bun, so it didn't bother me.  The flavor is so good, you don't even mind the texture, which is sorta mushy.
Here's the recipe:
Black Bean Burgers

2 cans (15 ounces each) BUSH'S BEST Black Beans, rinsed and drained
½ cup whole wheat or all-purpose flour
¼ cup yellow cornmeal
½ cup chunky salsa
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon garlic salt
Place beans in food processor; process until fairly smooth. Add flour, cornmeal, salsa, cumin and garlic salt. Process until well combined. Spoon mixture into 6 balls on a large plate and refrigerate at least 1 hour or up to 4 hours before cooking.

Heat barbecue grill or ridged grill pan over medium heat. Coat grill or pan lightly with oil. Form each ball into a 4-inch patty about ½-inch thick. Place the patties on the grill or in pan and cook until browned and heated through, 4 to 5 minutes per side.

Obviously, I sauteed a few mushrooms to have on the side, and topped the 'burgers' with a slice of monterey jack.  I also had some grilled zukes from my mother-in-law's garden.   And I wanted to let you know that I did not eat an enormous amount of food:  I am now using these small salad plates.  It's my latest strategy in portion control.  

Does it sabotage me to fill the salad plates up to the very edge?  Am I completely missing the point?


And lastly, I wanted to come clean.  I am an addict.  And this is my latest poison:

Damn, I wish I could get this monkey off my back.  And damn Dr. Pepper for inventing this addictive nectar.....

1 comment:

  1. those burgers looks so good!!!! mushrooms are a great addition...your flourless cupcakes sound pretty darn good..i have been seeing black beans in more baked goods lately, sound interesting!


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