Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In the kitchen all day, it seems...

Well, after this morning's egg egg-stravaganza (sorry!), I decided to keep it light for lunch.  Keeping in with the flavors of a BBQ, I made myself an ear of corn, and a baked sweet potato with some homemade quickie baked beans.  I had two cans of pintos, so I threw them in a saucepan with about 1/2 cup ketchup, 1/4 cup mustard, 1/4 cup brown sugar, and some hot sauce to taste.  Donzo!

All morning, I spent in the kitchen, today.  It's baby food puree day, which comes around once a week or so.  Today, I will be making pureed zucchini, sweet potatoes, and beets.  And since I was going to be in the kitchen already, I decided to also whip up a batch of RAW LEMON COOKIES for the dehydrator.

First things first.  I threw a couple of sweet potatoes in the oven, along with a couple of foil-wrapped beets.  350 for an hour.  (I threw mine and my husband's corn in there to cook, as well.  Two birds, one stone.)

Now, since I've got an hour to wait before I make THOSE purees, I had time to boil some zucchini, too.

Now here's what happens when you've got too much going on:  I SHOULD have removed the zucchini and sweet potato skins FIRST, before cooking.  Because then I had to remove HOT SKINS from HOT VEGGIES.  Not smart.

So, I've got the puree veggies going, it's time to start the RAW LEMON COOKIES.  Because I delved into the world of RAW FOOD, I went out and bought a $35 dehydrator, which I love.  And I also have many dehydrator recipes, which I will share from time to time.  Here is the cookie recipe: 
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1 cup grated coconut
  • juice of one lemon
  • 1 tbsp honey

Put the flour and coconut in the food processor until they are ground fine.  Add lemon juice and honey.  Process again until a ball forms.  Put the balls directly onto the dehydrator screen and dehydrate overnight or four or five hours.

I stuck some flax seeds into the mix, thinking they would grind up.  They did not.  These cookies are oogly, but they taste good and are good for you.  That's all that counts, in my kitchen.  I try things out all the time, and am not always successful.  Okay.  So I stuck them in the dehydrator.  They'll be going for about five or six hours or so.

After an hour went by, I removed the sweet potatoes and beets and zucchini and processed them all in the Cuisinart by themselves.

I used three medium-sized zucchini, which filled one tray.  Three beets filled only a half tray, and one sweet potato filled only a half tray.  I had so many trays ready.  I wish I'd made more.....

Oh well.  I'm out of the kitchen for a little while.  Although the dishes need to be done again, which would make the second time today.  Tonight for dinner, I might do a spaghetti squash with tomato sauce.  Don't know yet....

Happy eating!!

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